Anita Saarkessian

Anita Sarkeesian, a Canadian/American media critic is also a public speaking event organizer. She is the founder of Feminist Frequency, a web site with video content and blogs analyzing the portrayals of females in popular culture. Anita Sarkeesian is an award-winning Canadian-American feminist media critic and blogger. She is the creator and executive director of Feminist Frequency a non-profit educational website which explores the portrayals of women in pop culture narratives. Aiming to break down the stereotypes of women that have been portrayed in popular culture, she also tries on issues related to the targeted harassment of women, as well as the marginalized groups of the Internet area. Sarkeesian who has an MS in Social and Political thought with a degree from York University, is also well-known as a sought-after public speaking. She has given speeches at the TEDxWomen festival as well as United Nations Broadband Working Group to Gender. She has been interested in the gender issue and feminist movements since at a very young age. When she was in 2009, she was still at university, Sarkeesian launched the website Feminist Frequency. The woman with ambitions to create a web series that would examine gender representation in video games. She found herself at the center of an online harassment campaign. But the assault did be a deterrent, but it only bolstered her determination as a feminist media journalist. As a result of the many achievements she's made for women's rights, she's been recognized with numerous awards. Anita Sarkeesian, a media critic who has won numerous prizes and founded Feminist Frequency An educational, non-profit organisation that studies how women are represented in popular culture narratives.

 Anita Saarkessian  Anita   Saarkessian Anita  Anitra Mecadon Anitra


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